RMC provides pro bono services across our region through volunteer Board memberships in the arts and community sectors. RMC offers in kind professional services including fundraising, partnerships, events, marketing, specialist reporting and strategic development.

Our corporate community strategy for 2014-15 is the support of a highly effective Canberra based NGO which for 27 years has provided significant capability improvement in basic infrastructure and education to one of the poorest regions in our global neighbourhood. RMC, through Insight Connections provides in kind fundraising and partnership development support.

Further to this initiative, RMC chooses to provide its philanthropic support to causes across our region, assisting and supporting with the development of our community.

Nusa Tenggara Association (NTA): East Indonesia Aid

The Nusa Tenggara Association works to reduce poverty among communities in rural areas of the East Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. NTA sponsors small scale economic and social development activities selected through community consultation, empowering the local communities to control sustainable development in their own ways. 

For more information about the Nusa Tenggara Association: www.nta.org.au

Hands across Canberra

Hands across Canberra is a locally based organisation delivering a new approach to philanthropy and giving in Canberra. Led by a Board of community, business and government leaders they are committed to improving the lives on the most vulnerable people in our direct community.

For more information about Hands across Canberra: www.handsacrosscanberra.org.au

Greater Good

Greater Good is Canberra and Region’s only public charitable foundation and was established by the Public Trustee for the ACT. Greater Good is not a charity, however is a charitable fund. Greater Good aims to “Link Good People with Good Causes”.

For more information about Greater Good: www.greatergood.org.au

Creative Partnerships Australia (CPA)

Creative Partnerships Australia aims to create a culture of private sector support for the arts, growing the culture of giving, investment, partnership and volunteering, brining donors, business, artists and arts organisations to foster a more sustainable and vibrant arts sector for the benefit of all Australians.

For more information about Creative Partnerships Australia: www.creativepartnershipsaustralia.org.au

South East Arts (SEArts) 

South East Arts is the regional development organisation for the arts and culture in the Bega Valley, Bombala, Cooma-Monaro, Eurobodalla and Snowy River Shires. Their aim is to actively assist ongoing development and participation in arts and culture throughout the region.

For more information about South East Arts: www.southeastarts.org.au